
  合法权益 the legitimate rights and interests

  公司股债权人债人 companyshareholdercreditordebtor

  社会主义市场经济 the socialist market economy

  有限责任公司 a limited liability company

  股份有限公司 a joint stock limited company

  在境内设立 set up within the territory of the PRC

  依照本法 according to the provisions of this law

  企业法人 enterprise legal person

  独立法人财 independent legal person property

  以其全部财对债承担责任 bear the liabilities for its debts with all its property

  认购 subscribe to

  出资额 capital contributions

  享有资收益 enjoy the capital proceeds

  从事经营活动 conduct business operations

  法律和行政法规 the laws and administrative regulations

  社会公德商业道德 social morality business morality

  承担社会责任 bear social responsibilities

  不受侵犯 not be trespassed

  设立登记 establishment registration

  提出申请 file an application

  满足要求 meet the requirement

  相关批准手续 relevant approval formalities

  公众 the general public

  签发营业执照 issue the business license

  公司名称住所经营范围法定代表人 companys name domicilebusiness scopelegal representative

  公司的债权债由继承 the creditors rights and debts of the company shall be succeeded by


  by law that binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.

  办理变更登记 go through the formalities for modifying the registration

  公司的分公司 branches of a comany

  公司的子公司 subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person

  连带责任 several and joint liabilities

  董事会 the board of directors 股会 shareholders meeting 股大会 shareholders assembly

  实际控制人 actual controller

  岗位培训 in service training

  股符合法定人数 the number of shareholders constitutes the quorum.

  出资 make capital contributions

  附上签名或盖章affix.to affix the signatures or seals to the .

  实缴的注册资本 paidin registered capital

  以实物形式 in kind if you pay the debt in kind, you pay it in the form of goods or services and not money e.g. benefits in kind 实物形式的收益

  高估或低估作价 overvalued or undervalued

  非货币财应当评估作价 nonmonetary properties shall be assessed and verified.

  前款规定 specified in the preceding paragraph

  按期 on schedule

  向.承担违约责任 bear the liabilities for breach of contract to.

  指定的代表 the representative designated

  申请设立登记 apply for incorporation registration

  公司章程规定的 .set forth in the bylaw

  出资证明的发放 the issuance of the capital contribution certificate

  股名册 registry of shareholders

  对抗第三人 stand up to any third party

  会计账簿 accounting books

  合理理由 legitimate reason

  优先购买权 preemptive right

  审议批准董事会报告 deliberate and approve reports of the board of directors

  发行公司债权 issuance of corporate bonds

  临时股会议 interim shareholders meeting

  董事长 the chairman of the board of directors

  召开和主持会议 convene and preside over the shareholders meeting

  公司章程另有规定的除外 unless it is otherwise prescribed by the bylaw

  决议必须经过代表三分之二以上表决权的股通过 the resolutions shall be adopted by the shareholders representing 23 or more of the voting rights.

  .由公司章程规定 .shall be provided for by the bylaw

  少于法定人数 less than the quorum

  利润分配方案 profit distribution plans

  弥补亏损方案 loss recovery plans

  发行公司债券 issue the corporation bonds

  董事会主席 the chairman of the board of directors 副主席 deputy chairman

  在会议记录上签名 .shall affix the signatures to the minutes

  兼任 concurrently serve as a .

  有资监督管理机构 the stateowned assets supervision and administration institution

  有独资企业 wholly stateowned company

  股权转让 transfer of stock right

  取得同意 obtain the consent from

  章程对.另有规定的,从其规定 unless it is otherwise provided for. in the bylaw, the bylaw shall be followed.

  强制执行程序 mandatory enforcement procedure

  放弃优先购买权 waive the preemptive right

  连续五年 five consecutive years

  分配利润 distribute dividends to .

  本法规定的条件 the conditions as prescribed in this Law

  合法继承人 lawful inheritor

  符合章程的规定 be in compliance with conform to the company bylaw

  发起设立 establishment by promotion 募集设立 establishment by stock floatation

  在公司设立过程的权利和义 the rights and obligations during the course of establishing the company

  财权利的转让 the assignment of property rights

  publish a prospectus 发布招股说明书

  票面金额 the par value 发行价格 issuing price

  承销协议 underwriting agreement

  代替 in lieu of

  不可抗力 the force majeure

  经营条件的重大变化 a material change of the operational conditions

  代理人应当向公司提交股授权委托书 the agent shall present a proxy issued by the shareholder to the company

  在授权范围内 within the authorization scope

  行使表决权 exercising the voting rights

  兼任 concurrently take up the post of

  定期向股披露报酬信息 regularly disclose to the shareholders with the information about the renumeration received.

  任期 the term of office

  上市公司 a listed company

   the State Council

  股票发行可以按照票面金额,也可以超过票面金额 the stock may be issued at a price equal to or in excess of par value

  分配股利 the distribution of dividends

  证券交易所 the stock exchange

  无民事行为能力或限制民事行为能力 without civil capacity or limited civil capacity

  对公司的忠诚和勤勉义 the obligations of fidelity and diligence to the company


上一篇:【游玩】秋染大秦岭!奉上一份亲测踩点超实用的最全游玩攻略附地图路线 下一篇:【爆】玉博文物大讲堂第9期铜鼓上的萌物——玉林出土铜鼓的立体装饰赏鉴